Felt it was time for a change

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I'm another year older...

So, yesterday was my 27th birthday. It was a wonderful day filled with phone calls, emails, online chats, and visits from well wishers, lots of family & even more friends. So, thank you to everyone who remembered, it certainly made my day extra special.
I do have to admit it though... 30 now seems like the giant elephant lurking in the corner. Now, it's not that I'm worried about turning 30 & it being the end of my life as I know it or anything ludicrous like that, I'm just very aware of it. It's as though I'm suddenly sitting here going... wow I'm 27, what the heck have I done with my life? Where has it gone? Could I have done more? Why am I now in my LATE twenties... sniffles. Oh well.
Sorry to lay that bummer on you! :) LOL. Well, it's been said so I can move forward. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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